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About Our School

398 Glenbrook Rd, Stamford, CT 06906

Phone: (203) 977-4583
Fax: (203) 977-5426

Dr. Lisa Armstrong,, Principal
Iuliana Roata, Assistant Principal
Michael Macchio,  MTSS

Julia A. Stark Elementary School (better known as "Stark School") is a neighborhood school located in the Glenbrook community of Stamford. The relationships with the surrounding community and neighborhood represent the heart of what Stark represents. Stark serves students from Kindergarten to 5th grade and uses the Responsive Classroom model to build strong relationships with families, students and faculty.

The work done at Stark School directly supports the mission and vision of Stamford Public Schools.

The Stamford Public School Mission Statement:

  • The mission of the Stamford Public Schools is to provide an education that cultivates productive habits of mind, body and heart in every student.

The Stamford Public School Vision Statement:

  • The Stamford Public Schools will be a learning organization that continuously improves its effective, innovative and transformational teaching and learning.  We will challenge, inspire and prepare all students to be productive contributing members of society.